So you have played some of the many mission from this site and wonder how they do it, OR better still want to have ago at making your very own mission for thief or the dark mod. Well you can, Below are links to the mod tools used and tutorials on how to make your very own mission and links to forums for you to ask what questions you need about using the tools used to make the fan missions.
The link below has a full range of tutorials from basic to very advanced so it has just about everything you will need to learn how to make some great missions of your own
This is a link to Tutorials for making thief 1/gold and thief 2 mission, Click here to start making your very own.
The Dark Mod features its own customized editor called DarkRadiant. It is an open source tool available for both Windows and Linux, it is aimed at making the mission creation process as easy as possible. To grab the editor and more Click here.
To get a full list of of topics for the dark mod click here.